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Экскурсия в Мдину

Guided Tour Mdina – Malta

Today’s excursion takes us to the central part of Malta that, dominated by the ancient citadel of Mdina. On passing through the narrow streets of Mdina, the “silent city”, we will admire the imposing bastions that command a magnificent view of most of the island.

Экскурсия Три города -Мальта

Guided Tours Three Cities – Malta

Discover the historical area known as the three cities: Cospicua, Vittoriosa and Senglea. A drive past Cospicua will bring us to Vittoriosa where we walk through the various narrow streets shaded by many historic buildings and churches.

Индивидуальные экскурсии по Мальте. Остров Гозо

Gozo Private Tour

Our tour on the eco-island of Gozo begins in the ancient Citadel, the winding fortress that has protected Gozo since ancient times. A walk through its quiet, idyllic streets, coupled by a panoramic view of the entire island is sure to amaze all visitors. A short walk down from the hill-top of the Citadel will take us to Gozo’s capital city of Victoria.


Around Malta

The tour starts in the village of Mosta where we will see the church with one of the largest domes in Europe, and a miraculous story from WWII. Next we will visit the old medieval capital Mdina, and its suburb Rabat. A walk through the winding, silent streets in Mdina, and an optional visit to its Baroque Cathedral, will be followed by a visit to St. Paul's Grotto.

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